No Declawing Allowed!
Should you declaw your cat or not? It isn’t good to declaw your cat. Read this post to learn more!
Yes, declawing may seem good if you have a really scratchy cat, but think about how it affects the cat, not how it affects you.
Say, one day you come home from work/school and your cat jumps up and scratches your arm, so now you want to declaw it.
But, that is kinda like taking your fingers off for hitting someone.
The cat might not know, maybe the cat thinks it is just playing!
Declawing your cat is bad because it can cause arthritis in the cat’s paws and can hurt them later in life.
Now, think about why you want to declaw. Is it only for you, or is it for the cat? Probably not for the cat. It would hurt the cat, and declawing is like cutting off your fingers.
So, instead of declawing/cutting off fingers, you can cut their claws, like you would if you were cutting nails.
But don’t feel bad if you already have. Declawed cats are twice as fast with their bite. So, watch out for a declawed cat’s mouth!
Anyway, if you haven’t yet, please don’t declaw your cat. It will hurt your cat later on in life, and I think it is better to get a scratch than regret what you did with no way to change it.