The 4 types of tabbies

In my Cornish Rex episode, I mention that there are a few types of tabbies. Want to review all types(not all of them were mentioned in my episode)?

  1. Classic Tabby

  2. Ticked Tabby

  3. Mackerel Tabby

  4. Spotted Tabby

Do you want to learn more about tabby cats? Read this post to learn more!

Mackerel tabbies have long, slender, slightly curved stripes. These stripes are on the sides of their beautiful bodies. Sometimes the stripes are broken into spots or segments, most commonly on the belly and flank. There is an “M” shape on the Mackerel tabby’s head, dark likes on the corner of his eyes that can cross his cheek, and many lines and stripes on his neck and shoulders. Mackerel tabbies are also known as “fishbone tabbies”, and they are the most common tabby cat.

Classic tabbies are also known as blotched or marbled tabbies, and you will soon find out why! Classic tabbies still have “M” markings on their foreheads, along with swirly, curved stripes and a big blotchy marking on each side or her body. Classic tabby shoulders have butterfly-like markings on their bodies, as well as 3 stripes(the middle one is the darkest, but all 3 of them are beautiful) on their lovely spines. Black tabbies that are Classic tabbies have some beautiful dark browns, lovely olives, and some lighter browns, while orange Classic tabbies have orangey-red parts on their fantastic bodies, as well as more orangey-red on their bodies than Mackerel tabbies. Classic tabby cheeks, tails, and legs have thick stripes on them.

Ticked tabbies have a fur pattern called agouti. What is agouti, though? Agouti is a fur pattern that happens when a cat hair has two or more colors on it. A single cat hair. Ticked tabbies can have a salt and pepper effect with an agouti pattern, or their fur can look like sand. Abyssinians are Ticked tabbies. Listen to my Abyssinian episode to learn more about an Abyssinian cat’s coat! There are either very little(or none) stripes on a Ticked tabby, or ghost striping(faint stripes) on the legs, face, belly, and tail tip of a ticked tabby. But, there is still the “M” and a long, dark stripe(not a ghost stripe) on the adorable spine of a Ticked tabby! Ticked tabbies can come in many colors.

Last, but not least, we will learn about the Spotted tabby! Instead of stripes, this tabby type has spots! Spotted tabbies are similar to the Mackerel tabby, because they have spots in similar places, like the legs, tail, and face, and they have the “M” marking too! Spotted tabbies can have large spots or small spots.

Isn’t that cool? There are 4 types of tabbies AND you know all about them now!
Thanks and have a good day,

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